streda 30. januára 2013

My morning skincare routine

Not a long time ago I posted my night routine. My day routine doesn't vary that much, but still has differences;)

I was using Neutrogena 2in1 visibly clear for quite a while in my mornings, but I fell in love with Origins zero oil, that I use it in the mornings as well. Just nicely washes my skin with Clarisonic mia and I feel very fresh.

After that my Clinique anti-blemish clarifying lotion to exfoliate gently (I forgot to put this one in the picture;))

So THE extra product I have for morning is Estee Lauder Even Skintone Illuminator which helps with evening out the skintone while give very gentle nice glow to the skin. I do scar quite easily after any blemishes, so something gentle to help fade them is great. And it smells soooo nice.

After serum I apply my moisturisers: Clinique anti-blemish moisturizer (to help prevent blemishes with anti-bacterial ingredients and salicylic acid) and Biotherm Aquasource gel for putting moisture as I work in air-conditioned environment, this is a must.

As UV rays are here all the time, eve when it is cloudy, every day I apply sun protection: SPF40 City block from Clinique.

Last, but not Even better eyes from Clinique. I can't wait for the real results as they should come after 12 weeks of usage:)

To be honest, I am very pleased with my routine, my skin is behaving better and these products together make a good team. Clinique is working for me well, as they are without fragrance, giving me less chance for bad skin reactions.
Very important role plays here proper cleansing, so my serums and moisturisers work better.


Review: Estee Lauder Stress Relief Eye Mask

I am always interested in eye products as I feel my eye are gets dry first, gets tired first, gets old first. Our eye area is actually 10 times thinner than the rest of the face, so it definitely needs a little bit more attention.

I love to go for eye masks, but mostly what I could find on the market was the asian version (and unknown brands). I was looking for something a little bit more luxurious, a brand that you can trust. I found only Estee Lauder and YSL to do such a thing, but YSL eye patches are 8 for £40 as Estee Lauder has 10 packettes for £26. Much more bearable price.

This is what is promised:

"A revitalizing, 10-minute treatment for delicate eye area-the part of our face that shows stress first and more noticeably. Pre-moistened pads hydrate and soothe skin, diminish puffiness and other signs of fatigue, reduce appearance of tiny lines and wrinkles. Contains targeted anti-stress, anti-fatigue hydrating ingredients. Plus botanical soothers like aloe vera and cucumber. Clinical testing shows it improves hydration as much as 40%."

I managed to use most of them and definitely after using I feel much more hydrated in eye area. Skin also looks more refreshed and less tired.

Verdict: I certainly very recommend as everyone needs a little bit of extra care for our under eyes.


štvrtok 24. januára 2013

Beauty sleep

There are quite a few very affordable things, routines, products that we can do to have beautiful skin, hair and body. One of them is sleep. No other activity delivers so many benefits with so little effort. When I ask my clients how many hours they sleep they always say "not as much as I should" and mostly it is around 6-7 hours. Adults should get 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep in average though.

The problem these days is not only lack of sleep, but also sleep that is not sleep that gives you energy in the morning, sleep that relaxes your whole body and mind, but is shallow.

I came through stage when it was really difficult for me to have a good night sleep. Sometimes it happens to me even now when I am working too much and even during my sleep I can just shut off.

I came to some routines which help me to get a really good night sleep:

Cup of tea.
Before I go to sleep I like to drink calming cup of tea. I found that whenever I was having coke few hours before I went to sleep, I could not sleep properly, even alcohol was very terrible idea. So nice, warm cup of tea. There are so many on the market, but mostly the one tea that I have always at home is jasmine green tea. I love the smell and it just makes me happy. 

Relaxing music that just brings you to that stage when you are relaxed and happy. I mostly prefer guided relaxation. I really like Healing meditation by Kelly Howell where she guides you to heal your body and soul by imagining beautiful sceneries and beautiful you. I really enjoy this one. 
I am also a very big fan of Paul McKenna hypnosis, I just got his I can make you sleep, which I am slowly getting used to. 

Eye mask.
Oh, seriously I can't imagine what I would do without this little helper. I started to use sleeping masks few years ago as I went on a lecture from american author who did a lot of research on sleeping. The biggest thing was that we have to sleep in night-where is dark-it doesn't matter if it is day or night-we just have to have proper night to have proper sleep. So I started to use these and I love them. Few months ago I purchased holistic silk eye mask which can sound quite pricey (£40) for an eye mask, but certainly is worth every penny. Sits beautifully on face, covers that no light goes into your eyes and it feels and looks gorgeous. And did I say there is lavender inside to give you a little bit of aromatherapy?:)

There is so much easier to have a good night sleep when your bedroom temperature is not too high or warm. Try to open a window for few minutes before going to bed to have a little bit of fresh air.

And the main thing, let yourself sleep. Forget about things and try to be happy to give yourself that time off. Not only your body will thank you by good weight, beautiful skin but also you will be more able to concentrate, be able to make decisions, cope with stress and have better mood. This is worth it, what do you think?

So, my lovely ladies, question for you: What is your little trick to get better sleep?


streda 23. januára 2013

What I currently love...

Since the new year started I have been feeling a little bit different. In need for different thinking, approach and lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, I am happy with my life, but there is that but, that I would like more of that and that. 


It usually takes me around 40 minutes to get to work. Perfect time for me to listen to coach Bob Proctor (I already mentioned him in my positive thinking blog post) and his approach to money. You know, I am full-time working woman and sometimes it can be quite challenging for me to really think positively that I don't have to work another 40-50 years 37.5 hours per week to get the money I want, the house I want, the life I want. Bob is helping me to get things organised in my head. I am still waiting for his book "You were born rich" to arrive so I can jump into my change fully.


In the mean time while I have my breaks at work, I started to read The 4-hour work week (Timothy Ferriss). OH, that book is something. You have to have some balls to change your life, let me tell you that. I know I want the change, but I need a little bit more courage to do so. But definitely recommend this book a lot.

I very much enjoy checking Pinterest as you can get there a lot of inspiration in any kind of sphere. 

Food, beauty, hair, home, tattoos. I was thinking for quite a while about a tattoo, so checking out where people place theirs, how it looks and how I feel about it just ensures me that my one will be really how I want it, where I want it.

No matter how lonely, happy, sad, beautiful I feel, music always helps me to feel glorious and supernatural;) 
My mostly listened and loved music now:

Ellie Goulding: Your song
                         Anything could happen
                         My blood
                         Only you
                         I know you care

Simon & Garfunkel: Scaraborough Fair
Beatles: Doctor Robert (My long time favourite song from Beatles. Beatles are very nostalgic for me.)


Nad the last but not least I am obsessed with plans. What plans to do, what things to do. Where to do it, when to do it. How to pay for it. I am checking websites, blogs for inspiration. I might post a little resolutions I have later:)

Thank you so much for reading my current favourites. What are your favourites right now?:) Let me know:)


utorok 22. januára 2013

I wanna be a beautiful woman...

There are some very easy things that we can do to stay beautiful. There are times when I think about what it is, how I could improve my actual look, how I feel about myself and how I am presenting myself to people. 

The best way for me to understand who I am and how I want people to see me by watching others people's behaviours and looks. 

My conclusions:

How I would like to look:

I love when women are naturally beautiful. It is not about having everything perfect, but about feeling good in your own skin. If there is anything you don't like, if it is possible, try to work on it. I am not a big believer in plastic surgeries (the only ones I would support are for people who are really struggling with any deficit or being in pain) so I believe that we should be grateful for what we have and try to embrace it. Everybody has got strengths and weaknesses. So forget about weaknesses and focus on your strengths.

Back to the point. I love when women come to that stage when they know who they are and don't want to be like someone else. It is great to get inspiration, but not everybody can pull of bleached blonde permed hair, you know? 

Hair: Love long hair (my personal preference, any woman with long healthy hair just stands out to me), which is healthy. Any colour. Find out how you like it to wear. When do you feel like goddess and when like a tramp? So you know which to choose...

Skin: I love when the skin is smooth and you can tell when somebody is taking care of it. Trust me, if you will take care of your skin properly, it will show. I work with clients everyday and I can tell who was good and who bad in taking care of their skin. That is the first thing people see. It is not about wrinkles or spots. Everybody has them, it is not a sin. You think anybody cares about your hormonal spot? I think it might be only you thinking about it today;)
Again, whatever colour is gorgeous (Except I am not the biggest fan of the orange, but if you love it, go for it!).

Make-up: Find out what works for your skintype, skincolour, which colours work and which don't. I always say that I think everybody can pull off anything, but even for that right pink or coral blush you need to find that right one for YOU.

Body: Healthy (put anything on your skin after that shower-seriously anything and the skin looks just soo much smoother and nice to touch), strong, proud and happy. 
I am sure you have either a sexy ass or big juicy boobs (I feel like I am a man writing this :D) so be proud of it. How you are satisfied and happy shines through. It is that look that you give when you just feel GOOD.....:) and that attracts great people hanging around.

Nails: To be honest I have to confess that I was not being the best carer for my nails lately, but what I normally love is either french manicure (because that looks gorgeous and sophisticated on anyone) and red (so sexy and passionate while being still sophisticated-great for date, party, all the time...) 

Soul and mind: I feel quite a lot tramped in this world where we are obsessed with how we have to look, smell, feel great and have those shoes and that handbag. There is nothing wrong with having them, but sometimes I feel like I am loosing the true reason why I am here as a person. I am trying to go forward, working, enjoying life, spending time with friends and family and then comes time when I feel lost and need to put myself together. 

Inspirational books, audiobooks and seminars helps me in so many ways. I sometimes miss God though. I know what you are thinking, he is everywhere, how can you miss him? I think I miss being connected to him more. 

When I think of beautiful soul, it is someone caring, kind, happy, open, good listener, good friend, good family member, a person you can rely on, a person who makes you a better person and always sees the best in you, a person that gives. I don't think you have to pray every second to be like this, I believe that when you make 5 people happy with your message, phone call, meet up or just smile everyday (which seriously doesn't make so much effort) it certainly does make you a great person. Think about it, when you meet someone and tell them something nice about them-what you like, whatever really, they will continue to feel good, when they come home, they will give more love to others, so technically you will make a difference even when you don't realise that. 

And if you feel like someone is just not nice to you, rude or anything else, just kill them with your kindness, that always works, either they will get confused or even apologise realising their behaviours.

Thank you for sticking by and I will talk to you soon, my beautiful ladies (as I know all of you are beautiful;))


sobota 19. januára 2013

My night skincare routine

Recently I have decided to try some highly recommended products from youtube and blogs as my skin even after good regime didn't just look like as I wanted it to look.

Today I will start with my night-time, next time: the morning routine.

First, I mostly wear make-up (pretty much everyday, certainly 5 days per week and even on my days off if I need to sort out anything) so I am first removing that. I don't feel really bothered to have different make-up remover for eyes and for face and that's the reason I love Liz Earle hot cloth polish. I am always having a shower in the evening, so first I apply it, massage a little bit (I try not to smear my eye make-up all over my face), jump into the shower, leave it for a minute or 2 and then using the warm cloth, removing everything. And believe me when I say it removes everything.

After that I go with my Clarisonic mia and Origins zero oil to remove anything that could be left out-either oil, dirt or make-up. I absolutely love this combination as my skin feels really clean deep down. Sometimes it may feel a little too squeaky but that happens only in times when my skin is quite dehydrated from whole day in air-conditioned environment.

Then comes the biggest change I have made and I am using Clinique anti-blemish clarifying lotion and moisturizer. I really like their 3 step anti-blemish, the best is deffinitely clarifying lotion. It gently exfoliates the skin. It broke me out a little bit in the beginning, but now my skin is clearing up, has less blemishes and feels really smooth and radiant. On the bottom of the clarifying lotion is powder which controls oil, so if you have dry skin, you just simply don't shake the bottle, but get better result for your skin type.

The anti-blemish moisturizer (Clinique) felt to me first as no particularly amazing, because it didn't moisture my skin enough. But it contains salicylic acid and anti-bacterial ingredients which are for blemish prone skin crucial. So I stick with it, oh, good that I did.

As I said it doesn't moisturise enough, certainly not in winter months, I am topping it up with Biotherm Aquasource, my favourite moisturising gel of 2012. Just the best.

Last but certainly not least is my eye cream. My biggest concern are dark circles, so I am trying out Even better eyes from Clinique. So far so good, loving it. Will keep you updated about the actual results:)

My routine takes me a little time as I am used to it. I think when you make this part of your shower-brushing teeth routine, even when you were partying, you wouldn't go to sleep with make-up on. Well, I certainly don't;)

Thank you so much for stopping by my beautiful ladies. But before I leave, what is the product that you feel like changed your skin, or the trick that always work? Share the love:)


piatok 18. januára 2013

Review: Dr.Jart+ Water-max Sleeping Mask

Fleur de Force was the first person I heard about brand Dr.Jart. Their BB creams were supposed to be officially the only ones on the western market from eastern Asian country (originally). People loved it or hated it (I didn't really love it), but Dr. Jart+ came with their skincare. Skincare for anti-ageing, pore refining and water moist products. Their packaging looks absolutely stunning, professional and different. I wanted to try so many products, but I just let myself to have one.

Dr. Jart+ created a Sleeping mask which is giving you special moisture and water while you sleep. I heard that our body needs 4 times more water during night than during day. Also Biotherm created their Aquasource night specially on this idea.

Well, let me write here what it does:

"This overnight mask helps to deliver moisture during the night's restorative process. Returns moisture within the skin to give energy and improve complexion. Smooths skin texture by preventing dryness. Oat Extract and Cactus Extract maintains moisture in the skin. 4-Free System, free of GMO, Mineral Oil, Talc and Pigments, protects the skin."

Apply smoothly and evenly to the face, 10 minutes before sleeping. Cleanse in the morning with water.

My experience:

I work in airconditioned environment, so any kind of back in moisture is always good. One thing that scares the hell out of me is that it will clog my pores as I don't have dry or normal skin. What I found with this product is that I can easily use it after my night moisturiser but only few night per week, certainly nit every night, that would be too much, my skin just can't cope.

So use only few times per week. When I use it though the results are not breathtaking, but you can see that skin looks plumped and youthful.

Oh, and the feeling, it just feels like you are putting a moisturiser on. And the smell is absolutely gorgeous;)

I am loving this idea of an overnight mask which makes it so much easier for us. Clinique created very similar product and launched this January- Moisture surge overnight mask. If I would know, I would probably go and see the Clinique's version as it is company I trust and love their products.

Advantages: Easy to use, no hustle. Feels fresh on the skin, gel like consistency. Smells divine.
Disadvantages: Even when it is gel, could be too heavy for everyday use for combination to oily skin.

Verdict: I feel like it is a nice product, but as these kind of masks are getting popular, there might be much better options.

Thank you so much for reading my today's blog, my beautiful ladies and talk to you soon.


sobota 12. januára 2013

Review: Lancome Genifique Light-Pearl eye serum

Hello my lovely ladies,

if I should be honest I have managed to try quite a bit of products these past few months. I changed my skincare routine completely and went for products, brands that I was just a little bit familiar with. That's why I don't even know what to start with.

As I am thinking about it, in my last post I said that Genifique Yeux light-pearl is worth a review. So there you have it.

Before I even start to judge, let me just say that the regular Genifique eye cream was one of the best eye creams I tried. It was actually my first "luxurious" eye cream I have ever purchased. You can imagine it lasted me for ages as I didn't use much of it;)

Ok, Ok, to the subject. Genifique Yeux light-pearl was launched just in 2012, right away I got it hoping  that it will will help with my under-eyes circles. I don't know if you have ever experienced it but sometimes you find that miracle product and when you stop using it, circles are back....ANNOYING!Well, that's what I got with this. I used it with Clinique all about eyes rich as the Genifique is the serum and didn't moisturise enough. But the RESULTS were FENOMENAL. My eye area was brightened, with the specific metal applicator I got very soothing and gentle massage.

The biggest downside was how long it lasted. It felt like I used it for a month or so and it was gone. For the price, no thank you. (retails for £44)

Don't get me wrong, it is a fabulous miracle product, but I can't justify the price (and to purchase it every 1-2 months...)

So after this very confusing review, let me just recap it:

Advantages: It feels beautiful, gives you little spa feeling every day, gets rid of a tension with cooling affect. Special applicator. It DOES brighten the eye area and removes dark circles.

Disadvantages: Price. The products last for very short time. The results are not long-term (when finish using, results go away in 1-2 weeks)

Verdict: I am not convinced, will try to find a cheaper product that lasts longer and gives the results.

Have you tried this product? Would you repurchase?

Thank you very much for reading and talk to you soon:)


utorok 8. januára 2013

Favourite beauty products of 2012

Ok, long story short, my camera broke. And if you are like me, I wouldn't look at the blog which doesn't have pictures or photos. But for my B-day (I turned 25 on 23rd of December) I got myself a new camera, so with new year, new me, I am back on track.

As I was thinking the best thing would be to start with mentioning the best products of 2012. I will talk skincare, make-up and haircare. Let's start:


I managed to try some amazing skincare in 2012.
Make-up remover: Bioderma (loved by many, there is nothing more to say, just it is perfect for everyone)

Cleanser: Neutrogena 2in1 Visibly clear (cheap, )
Exfoliant: gentle: Dermalogica daily microfoliant (quite expensive, but amazing powder which gives you glowing skin)
                normal: St. Ives apricot scrub (I was using the blemish prone formula-just so nice if you need to manually scrub a little bit more, but still not to harsh;))

Eye cream: Genifique yeux light-pearl (an amazing eye serum-cream with specific applicator-I might do a separate review, because this product certainly deserves it)

Day cream: No7 day cream for normal/oily skin (great product for combination to oily skin with UVA and UVB protection. Controls oil, but still hydrates.

Night cream: Clinique Turnaround overnight radiance moisturiser (quite new discovery, but absolutely AMAZING. Skin is healthy and glowing in the morning. Genius.)

General cream: Biotherm Aquasource (fresh, hydrating gel perfect no matter what is happening with my skin. My skin feels comfortable and hydrated.)


Eyeshadow: Smashbox cream eyeshadow in Quartz (the best everyday eyeshadow. Makes eyes pop.)

Mascara: Clinique high impact mascara (amazing, easy, buildable volumizing mascara)
Eyeliner: L'oreal Superliner (easy, perfect black eyeliner which I wore literally every single day:))
Eyebrows: ELF Eyebrow kit (made a review on this one:
Primer: L'oreal Lumi magique (Primer that gives glow and helps to even out that skintone before the foundation is even on! What else should we ask for?)
Foundation: No7 Stay perfect (I loved this foundation for the most of the 2012) but for more coverage: Clinique repair wear (when my skin needed super perfect coverage when I don't have time to play with concealer;))
Concealer: L'oreal lumi magique (I like it better than Touché éclat. And it is much, much cheaper.)
Blush: Nars orgasm (gives glow and beautiful colour to cheeks.)

Bronzer: Sleek (the bronzing duo is the PERFECT bronzer which is matte and not orangey at all)
Nailpolish: No7 (I am mentioning the brand, not the exact shade, because this year no7 really nailed it with this new formula which stays perfectly, it is easy to apply and gives opaque coverage)


Shampoo: NEW from Lush (leaving hair clean and helping those roots to be healthy)
Conditioner: Jungle from Lush (light great conditioner)
Leave-in oil: VO5 (perfect, light oil which is super cheap)
Dry shampoo: Batiste XXL (hair is greasy-free and with amazing volume)


Shower gel:Soap&Glory Clean on me (hydrating, yummy smelling, just the best!!!)
Exfoliator: Exfoliating gloves from Soap&Glory (used with any shower gel gives perfect smooth body)
Body cream: No7 Protect&Perfect Body serum (amazingly mosturizing, hydrating while not being overly greasy serum which makes skin super smooth. Quite pricey, but they always have some offers on them.)

So hopefully this was somehow helpful for you. Sometimes it is quite funny to realise what were the highlights in the products:)

So happy New year to all of you, lovely ladies and talk to you soon:)