streda 23. januára 2013

What I currently love...

Since the new year started I have been feeling a little bit different. In need for different thinking, approach and lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, I am happy with my life, but there is that but, that I would like more of that and that. 


It usually takes me around 40 minutes to get to work. Perfect time for me to listen to coach Bob Proctor (I already mentioned him in my positive thinking blog post) and his approach to money. You know, I am full-time working woman and sometimes it can be quite challenging for me to really think positively that I don't have to work another 40-50 years 37.5 hours per week to get the money I want, the house I want, the life I want. Bob is helping me to get things organised in my head. I am still waiting for his book "You were born rich" to arrive so I can jump into my change fully.


In the mean time while I have my breaks at work, I started to read The 4-hour work week (Timothy Ferriss). OH, that book is something. You have to have some balls to change your life, let me tell you that. I know I want the change, but I need a little bit more courage to do so. But definitely recommend this book a lot.

I very much enjoy checking Pinterest as you can get there a lot of inspiration in any kind of sphere. 

Food, beauty, hair, home, tattoos. I was thinking for quite a while about a tattoo, so checking out where people place theirs, how it looks and how I feel about it just ensures me that my one will be really how I want it, where I want it.

No matter how lonely, happy, sad, beautiful I feel, music always helps me to feel glorious and supernatural;) 
My mostly listened and loved music now:

Ellie Goulding: Your song
                         Anything could happen
                         My blood
                         Only you
                         I know you care

Simon & Garfunkel: Scaraborough Fair
Beatles: Doctor Robert (My long time favourite song from Beatles. Beatles are very nostalgic for me.)


Nad the last but not least I am obsessed with plans. What plans to do, what things to do. Where to do it, when to do it. How to pay for it. I am checking websites, blogs for inspiration. I might post a little resolutions I have later:)

Thank you so much for reading my current favourites. What are your favourites right now?:) Let me know:)


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