štvrtok 24. januára 2013

Beauty sleep

There are quite a few very affordable things, routines, products that we can do to have beautiful skin, hair and body. One of them is sleep. No other activity delivers so many benefits with so little effort. When I ask my clients how many hours they sleep they always say "not as much as I should" and mostly it is around 6-7 hours. Adults should get 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep in average though.

The problem these days is not only lack of sleep, but also sleep that is not sleep that gives you energy in the morning, sleep that relaxes your whole body and mind, but is shallow.

I came through stage when it was really difficult for me to have a good night sleep. Sometimes it happens to me even now when I am working too much and even during my sleep I can just shut off.

I came to some routines which help me to get a really good night sleep:

Cup of tea.
Before I go to sleep I like to drink calming cup of tea. I found that whenever I was having coke few hours before I went to sleep, I could not sleep properly, even alcohol was very terrible idea. So nice, warm cup of tea. There are so many on the market, but mostly the one tea that I have always at home is jasmine green tea. I love the smell and it just makes me happy. 

Relaxing music that just brings you to that stage when you are relaxed and happy. I mostly prefer guided relaxation. I really like Healing meditation by Kelly Howell where she guides you to heal your body and soul by imagining beautiful sceneries and beautiful you. I really enjoy this one. 
I am also a very big fan of Paul McKenna hypnosis, I just got his I can make you sleep, which I am slowly getting used to. 

Eye mask.
Oh, seriously I can't imagine what I would do without this little helper. I started to use sleeping masks few years ago as I went on a lecture from american author who did a lot of research on sleeping. The biggest thing was that we have to sleep in night-where is dark-it doesn't matter if it is day or night-we just have to have proper night to have proper sleep. So I started to use these and I love them. Few months ago I purchased holistic silk eye mask which can sound quite pricey (£40) for an eye mask, but certainly is worth every penny. Sits beautifully on face, covers that no light goes into your eyes and it feels and looks gorgeous. And did I say there is lavender inside to give you a little bit of aromatherapy?:)

There is so much easier to have a good night sleep when your bedroom temperature is not too high or warm. Try to open a window for few minutes before going to bed to have a little bit of fresh air.

And the main thing, let yourself sleep. Forget about things and try to be happy to give yourself that time off. Not only your body will thank you by good weight, beautiful skin but also you will be more able to concentrate, be able to make decisions, cope with stress and have better mood. This is worth it, what do you think?

So, my lovely ladies, question for you: What is your little trick to get better sleep?


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