streda 30. apríla 2014

Being on skincare kick

As I have mentioned before I have different times in my life when I am obsessed with something. Certain things definitely come back to my attention again and again and one of them…you know it is skincare. 

Whenever I finish a moisturiser, cleanser I am questioning myself what else to get? Which brand to turn to? Who has the PERFECT product?

Well, as I said, I am having obsession with SKINCARE again and while I was doing millions of research I have learned few new things which I wanted to share:

- OILS are great for the skin. Every type of skin.  Not essential oils (those are actually not good at all- lavender oil…) but regular oils like coconut, olive. They are great for skin as cleansers (makeup removers) or moisturisers. Some of them contain great SPF (the best spf should be in CARROT SEED OIL: SPF 40, coconut oil & olive oil : spf 8, ), but you need to keep in mind not all of them are great for acne prone skin. So coconut oil is great for my body, hair, but not for my skin. So do research before choosing YOUR ULTIMATE OIL

- When choosing products, there is no reason to choose according to the scent. And best advised by aestheticians and people who know skin is to choose skincare FRAGRANCE FREE. Fragrance is the top trigger in skin reactions. 

- We have to CLEANSE our skin TWICE in the day. Our skin gets dirty, sweaty and oily through the night, so it needs cleansing. It depends on you what you choose, but go for gentle and effective source if you can. 

- You moisturiser should be packaged not in a jar as a lot of active ingredients loose the strength when with contact with air. And the germs when you put your fingers in a pot. 

- When I read about different skin concerns, the most frequent option was chemical EXFOLIATION. Unblocks the pores, helps with ageing, redness, pigmentation.

- Last thing: SUN PROTECTION. Is it said that 80% of our skin concerns till age of 60 are due to sun exposure? You NEED sun protection EVERYDAY. Even in England. I have constantly clients with pigmentation coming and living in UK. It is not difficult to choose a day moisturiser with spf:)

If you ever had a chance to pick a book Don't go to cosmetics counter without me from Paula Begoun, let me tell you something about it. Paula (you know calling her name as I know her:)) is explaining each product that is on the market and not giving you reviews according to her liking, but ingredients. If ingredients are bad for you, she will tell you. You can find products online on her Beatypedia which I love to use whenever I am going for a product, just to be on a safe side.

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