pondelok 22. júla 2013

MOTW:No7 Glycolic Peel Kit

I love my exfoliators, exfoliating masks and always wanted to try glycolic peel. I have heard that No7 used to do a great one in the past and few weeks ago they brought a new glycolic peel kit out.

What is a glycolic peel?
Glycolic peel is a way to renew the skin's surface by sweeping away the dull, dead skin cells and helping with uneven skintone to bring brighter, smoother and more youthful skin. 

Most people use it if they are trying to treat ageing, but I am going for it to help my discoloration. 

There are 3 steps.

1st is the peel. You apply it to the cotton pad and apply from forehead, movie to cheeks, nose and chin. Leave it for 10 minutes and remove.

Apply Post peel neutralizer on to the cotton pad and apply several times all over treated areas.
Rinse after with cool water.

Step number 3. Apply Calming recovery balm.

To be honest, I didn't think it is this easy. The main thing you have to keep in mind, that the first step: the actual peel can't be on the skin more than 10 minutes as it would irritate the skin.

After using this peel my skin was smooth, but I didn't feel anything happening while I was having the peel on my skin. No tingling feeling, nothing. Sometimes with my exfoliation masks I can feel that the exfoliation is happening. This could be taken as a bad or a good thing.

 If you like to feel that something is happening, don't go for this peel. If you on the other hand want something gentle, I would definitely recommend.

Skin was definitely changed- it looked healthier and more radiant. Even my colleague said so.

From one package you can do 8 peels, as you should do a peel a week, it should last 8 weeks. The price is £24.95:)

Have you tried any glycolic peels? Any favourites?


piatok 19. júla 2013

NOTW: No7 Hot Lava

I was the biggest fan of OPI nail envy, but I thought why not try something different and this Sally Hansen Advanced hard as nails is really nice. Makes a nice base.

Summer needs a brighter nail colour, that's for sure:) Sometimes though colours can be quite too much, that's why this Hot lava from No7 nailpolish really caught my eye. It is nice coral, but nothing too orangey:)

I love the applicators on No7 nailpolishes, application is super easy, their brushes really remind me of Dior nailpolish brushes. And after they reformulated them, the staying power is great. Definitely my favourite nail polishes- and the price, always on 3for2 or on the voucher:)

The Gel-look chine nailpolishes were launched only 1-2 months ago as the gel-like nailpolishes are quite a hit now. Personally I don't see much difference between their regular topcoat and this one (probably just consistency is much thicker). Their regular topcoat is great and they both leave nails nice and shiny.


pondelok 15. júla 2013

FOTD-Glowy coral

L'oreal Lumi magique primer
DiorSkinNude BB creme (002)
Origins Plantscription concealer (01 Light)
Chanel natural finish pressed powder (20 clair)
Real Techniques expert face brush
MAC 129 brush

Maybelline Anti-age The eraser eye (light)
Clinique airbrush concealer (04 neutral fair)
Smashbox Halo yellow colour correcting hydrating powder

Benefit Coralista blush
MAC Soft and gentle mineralize skinfinish highlighter
Real techniques Blush brush

Clinique Superfine liner (Soft blonde)
Soap and glory The double crayon liner (using the lidshadow under the brows)
Elif C eyeshadow bruh (blending the highlighter colour )

base: MAC Bare study paint pot
allover lid: MAC Phloof!
middle of the lid till crease: MAC Satin taupe
crease: MAC Cranberry
eyeliner: L'oreal Superliner (Black)
Shu eumura eyelash curler
Clinique High lengths mascara (Black)
MAC 217 brush
MAC 239 brush

YSL lipstick rouge volupte 13 Revlon Lipgloss (170 Coral Reef)


nedeľa 14. júla 2013

Sensationail review and demo

Sensationail starter kit

Sensationail Evening sand
Sensationail blue founder
Sensationail Miss behave

Sensationail removal kit and polish remover

sobota 13. júla 2013

Clinique Chubby sticks INTENSE

Chubby stick Intense are my favourite thing for lips. It might be obvious by how many I actually own. I don't own all the colours, but I am pretty good, owning 6 shades (there exist 8 shades).

Chubby stick intense sú moje najobľúbenejšie produkty na pery. Môže sa to zdať zjavné aj podľatoho koľko vlastním. Nevlastním všetky farby, ale som celkom v pohode keďže vlastním 6 (existuje 8 odtieňov).

I love to check other blogs for pictures of products, so I wanted to share my love for chubbies here:)

Veľmi rada pozerám iné blogy keď hľadám určité odtiene produktov, tak som chcela ukázať chubbies:)

01 Curviest caramel

For most people go-to nude shade./ Pre väčšinu ľudí perfektný "nude" odtieň.

06 Roomiest rose

This shade is in my opinion the best shade of roses-soft and beautiful for everyday wear./Pre mňa osobne príde tento odtieň ako najkrajší odtieň ruží-jemné a pekné na denné nosenie.

05 Plushest punch
Proper, in your face pink. Gorgeous on lighter skintones like myself./ Poriadna, výrazná ružová. Vyzerá nádherne na bledších tónoch pleti ako som ja. 

08 Grandest grape
Red-purpelish shade, perfect for autumn-winter. /Červeno-fialový odtieň, perfektné na jeseň-zimu.

03 Mightiest maraschino

Perfect red with pinky-blueish undertones. / Perfektná červená s ružovo-modrými podtónami.
04 Heftiest hibiscus
Orange that can pull of any skintone. Any./ Oranžová, ktorá vyzerá dobre na každom odtieni pleti. Na každom. 

If you haven't tried them, I highly recommend them as you are getting the basic shades

Ak ste ešte nemali šancu ich vyskúšať, určite ich doporučujem keďže sú tam hlavné odtiene.

Which is YOUR favourite lip product?

Ktorý je VÁŠ najobľúbenejší produkt na pery?


štvrtok 11. júla 2013

MOTW=mask of the week. LUSH CATASTROPHE COSMETIC fresh face mask

I am a huge, huge fan of masks, I love them. I have few in my collection, so I thought it would be fun to do mask of the week, each week introducing one.

Som veľký fanúšik masiek na tvár, skutočne ich zbožnujem. Musím sa priznať, že mám menšiu kolekciu, takže som rozmýšľala, že by bola sranda urobiť masku týždňa, každý týždeň predstaviť jednu.

My favourite thing from Lush are their masks. My favourite one is Catastrophe cosmetic fresh face mask.

Moje najobľúbenejšie z Lushu sú ich masky na tvár. Moja najobľúbenejšia je Catastrophe cosmetic čerstvá maska na tvár.

Let me just write here what it says on the packaging: "When disaster looms, Catastrophe cosmetic calms and cleanses the skin. Blueberries rich in beneficial anti-oxidants, soothing chamomile, Irish moss and the gentle cleansing action of calamine to save the day." Ideal for calming and soothing troubled skin. You are supposed to leave it from 5 to 10 minutes. Easy:)

Dovoľte mi napísať čo je napísané na obale: "Keď príde katastrofa, Catastrophe cosmetic ukľudní a vyčistí pokožku. Čučoriedky plné anti-oxidantov, ukľudňujúci harmanček, Írsky mach a jemná čistiaca akcia calamine zachráni deň." Ideálne pre ukľudnenie a upokojenie problematickej pokožky. Máte to nechať pôsobiť 5 až 10 minút. Jednoduché:)

If you never had a Lush mask before, it is a freshly made mask that expires in one month. It retails for £5.95, so if you are buying it, make sure that you are trying to use it once-twice a week to really use it up, so it is worth the money for you. 

Ak ste nikdy nevlastnili Lush masku, je to čerstvo urobená maska, ktorej trvanlivosť vyprší po jednom mesiaci. Predáva sa za £5.95, takže ak si ju kupujete, určite ju používajte raz-dva-krát za týždeň, aby ste ju skutočne využili a bolo vám to hodno peňazí.

I love the blueberries in the mask. They smell so nice. Even though the mask makes me look like Shrek, but oh well, it is worth it. 

Zbožňujem čučoriedky v tejto maske. Voňajú neskutočne dobre. Aj keď táto maska zo mňa robí Shreka, ach, je to hodno.

After the mask I can tell that the texture of my skin is much smoother, my fine line on my forehead are non-existing and skin feels plumped and fresh. My skin feels just HAPPY:) I love that it gives you anti-oxidants, calms the skin and feels and smells niceeeeee:)

Po aplikovaní tejto masky môže vidieť zlepšenie v textúre, pokožka je jemnejšia, maličké vrásky na čele sú neexistujúce a pokožka je "vyplnená" a svieža. Moja pokožka je ŠŤASTNÁ:) Zbožňujem, že dodáva anti-oxidanty, upokojuje pokožku a vonia supeeeeer:)

As it is fresh, don't forget to keep in the fridge as you want it is fresh as possible. What is great, If you bring 5 clean full-size pots or tubes, you get a fresh mask for free. That's worth it for me:)

Keďže je čerstvá, nezabudnite ju skladovať v chladničke keďže chceme aby bola stále čerstvá. Čo je skvelé, ak prinesiete 5 čistých tégliky a tuby, dostanete čertsvú masku zadarmo. To je určite hodno pre mňa:)

What is your favourite LUSH mask?

Ktorá je vaša najobľúbenejšia LUSH maska?


sobota 6. júla 2013

June 2013 favourites

June has been  really exciting and I have loved some nice products. 

Jún bol veľmi zaujímavý mesiac a zbožňovala som zopár super produktov.

Products I have loved:


Sensational nail kit-currently wearing French manicure in Sheer pink (in the video I am wearing Miss behave)

Sensational kit na nechty-v súčasnosti mám na nechtoch Francúzsku manikúru (vo videu mám Miss behave)


Nyx blush in Rose petal

Diorskin nude compact in 020

L'oreal False lash telescopic in waterproof black

Me wearing just the mascara.

Fotka, na ktorej mám iba maskaru.




Bumble and Bumble Surf spray

Inhibitif advanced hair-free serum

Thank you for stopping by:)

Ďakujem za vašu návštevu:)
