I am after 2nd glass of wine (I wrote it yesterday evening- I don't that early in the morning lol) and I finally got to courage to tell you what I did. I have put myself into Cosmopolitan blog awards 2014. I think when applying for such an honour, you need to have self-esteem in what you are doing on your blog. And I can say that having a full-time job and doing my blog, I feel very proud of it. It is my baby. This is the way I see my progress and can share my humongous love for beauty.
And here comes the favour I need to ask you. Please help me to get nominated to be "Best new beauty blogger". It would mean a world to me to be nominated by YOU.
The steps to do so are here:
1. Firstly go to: here.
2. Click "Next Page"
3. fill in details shown above:)
for blog URL copy and paste: http://www.luciaknowsbeauty.com
4. press "Submit"
So PLEASE, help me by nominating, I am grateful for any of you taking time from your own helping me as this would be such an honour to be part of such an amazing community.